
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Come On, Rain!

Last week for Thankful Thursday, I shared that I was thankful for some recent rain that we had. I wanted to add this book review to that post but I liked the simplicity of the post without it so I wanted to be sure and share this book with your this week. So in a continuation of thanksgiving for the rains that come in the summer heat...

Come On, Rain! By Karen Hesse and illustrated by Jon J Muth.

We recently checked this book out at our local library and it could not have been more fitting for how we were feeling. This makes a great summer read. It's beautifully written and just flows which makes for a great read aloud. The text and pictures captures the look and feel of the heat of summer in the city. We've lived in the city and know this city heat.

A little girl and her Mama are at home on a hot summer day. Mamma is tending her small patch of sagging tomatoe plants. The little girl is looking for a way to cool down in the heat when she spies clouds rolling in from the distance. She quickly goes to spread the word to her friends that rain is coming! They meet outside on the city sidewalks bathing suits on and the rain does come, even the girl's Mamas can't resist the cool rain and join their daughters in the fun. Hesse's text captures this special glimpse of pure joy perfectly.

Don't you remember playing in the rain in your suits when you were little? Next rain I'm getting my two out in it provided that it's not a thunderstorm of course. The elegant text is accompanied by beautiful water color illustrations. In fact these drawings won the gold medal in excellence in illustrations from the society of illustrations. It's very clear why.

Even more fun we were able to get a copy with the story on CD, I recomend you check and see if your library also has a copy on CD or that you can pick up for your collection.

Go on enjoy the next rain!

Magic Beans 31 Days of Giveaways!


  1. Sounds like a sweet book! I remember taking my granddaughters out in the rain to scout out the yard. They thought I was crazy. :-)

  2. Hello! I am your newest follower! I look forward to reading more of your blog. Have a great day!

  3. Hi Michele! Oh I love your blog! I am a book addict too... and especially love children's books! This one you wrote about reminds me of the "Thunder Cake" book...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog from the Seeds of Faith IFellowship today! I'm so glad to meet you!

  4. I just may have to take a trip to the library--with or without grandchildren. The book looks great.
