
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The King's Christmas List by Eldon Johnson

I'm not one to try and rush the seasons but when I saw the opportunity to review this next book, I took it. It's called The King's Christmas List by Eldon Johnson and illustrated by Bonnie Leick. Based on the scripture passage Matthew 25:37-40 this is a lovely story of a little girl that understands the true spirit of Christmas. The story begins with Emma and her dog Shu-shu receiving an invitation to the Birthday of the King. However, along the way they encounter a few strangers in need. Emma graciously gives what she has even if it means having nothing to give to the King for his Birthday. The King is Jesus and once Emma arrives at the party, he shares how in giving to others, Emma, has in fact given to him. It's well written for young kids to understand the message being shared. One of the items Emma gives up is her own favorite teddy bear to another little girl that has lost her bear. Its a great read to put a focus on what Christmas is really about, the celebration of Jesus' Birthday and the understanding of how we are able to honor his birth with the simple act of giving to those in need. The illustrations are beautiful, vivid colors fill each page and nicely detailed. I am very happy to add this book to our Christmas reading list.

I received a free copy of this book through Thomas Nelson Publishing’s Book Sneeze book review program. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review.

In the back of the book you will find information regarding various charities that can help give gifts to Jesus now and throughout the year. You can log on to www.The to learn more.

The highlighted charities are:

blood:water mission - $1 = one year of water for an African

World Vision - $25 = Two Chickens that give food and income for Families

Consider giving or Christmas caroling for canned goods that will stock your Local Food Pantry. Find one near you at Feeding America.


  1. I just love your reviews!!!

    Happy iFellowship Day!

    have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. Oh Michelle! I love it! This is a new one for me but I think we will be checking it out. I need a book like this to help my son Josh get the giving part of Christmas! Thanks for visiting!

  3. Loved the review! Have a blessed day and thanks for stopping by!

  4. Wow, $1 for water for a year. Thanks for the suggestions. Sounds like a great story!

  5. This sounds like a great story. Thank you so much!
