
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanks for Thanksgiving

The last Thanksgiving read I'm going to be able to share with you before the Holiday is here this year is Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Markes and illustrated by Doris Barrette, and is probably my favorite Thanksgiving read. It's a simple read which follows a brother and sister as they share what they are thankful for. It's truly a child's list with such items as play dates with friends at the playground, cuddles with Mom and sled rides with Dad. It's a fun read to share with your kids to get them started on their own list of what they are thankful for! The illustrations are beautiful, bold, bright, vivid, I could go on and on. I love the scenes of family, friends and home that they depict, very warm and inviting.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. This book sounds right up my alley! I am so thankful for the simple things too and I love to see it reflected in this book. Sounds like a must read!!

  2. LOVE that!! Sounds like a really sweet book. :)

  3. That sounds like a GREAT book - and the perfect one to start a gratitude discussion!

  4. A great concept to introduce to a child. I would love to hear what my children are grateful for.

  5. I love books like that, where the illustration makes home look so cozy and warm :)
    Sounds like a great little book.
