
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Topical Memory System: Hide God's Word in Your Heart

Topical Memory System: Hide God's Word in Your Heart by The Navigators is a great scripture memory course designed to help you learn scripture with a purpose. The system comes with a course workbook, a book of memory verse cards with several translations for you to chose from and a holder for the scripture cards you are currently working on. The course book provides a description of how to use this system, helpful tips for memorization, and discussion on how to incorporate God's Word into your everyday life. The scriptures for memorization are broken down into different sections and arranged in an applicable way to study and grow in God's word and in your walk of faith. Series A: Live the new life with 12 Scriptures, Series B: Proclaim Christ with 12 scriptures and so on through E. Its truly set up as a course workbook complete with timeline for completion which is great for those who may tend to procrastinate or not sure how long to work through this book. You can go at your own pace though too. I struggle with memorization so I took my needed time to learn the passages. Each new series has a short introduction and helpful hints continue to show up throughout the text. I found this to be a great study and have had success in memorization of scripture verses and reference, which they strongly encourage learning along with the verses. I like that not only was I learning scriptures but there was also a lesson and purpose behind the selected scriptures from which to continue to draw from.

I received a free copy of this book from NavPress blogger review program for the purpose of this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent review! My husband has read and used some of these and says the same thing. They are wonderfully helpful and easy to use. I am not familiar with them but you have me very interested in getting started with A. Thanks for sharing your experience with it!


    Mary Joy
