
Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Basket Full of Penguins

Sharing a basket of penguin books for you today.

Non-fiction picks for all ages by Usborne books include:
Penguins Luxury Touchy-Feely Board Book by Fiona Watts - ages 9 Months and up
Antarctica by Lucy Bowman - ages 5 and up. Filled with all kinds of facts about the animals of Antarctica including penguins.
Penguins by Susanna Davidson - ages 5 and up
Penguins by Emily Bone - ages 7 and up

If you Were a Penguin by Florence Minor and illustrated by Wendell Minor. Fun fact filled read about what penguins can do. Simple rhyming text is accompanied with adorable pictures of penguins. The book includes a section on penguin fun facts, a list of web sites for more penguin learning and a species key of the 10 different penguins in the book.

Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere by Bob Barner is another simple rhyming fact filled read on penguins. The text shares some difference between penguins that live in the cold vs those that live in warm climates highlighting such differences as how they care for young. It is a short read though and I do wish it was a bit longer as I think the concept of talking about the different habitats of penguins is really an interesting one. Questions and fun facts about penguins are included in the back as well as a penguin parade showing 17 different types of penguins, where they live and their sizes. Colorful, fun collage pictures accompany the text.

Playful Little Penguins by Tony Mitton and illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees. Expressive, colorful and playful illustrations fill the pages in this rhyming verse about penguin children at a day of play. But at the end of their busy day the tired penguins return to cuddle up cozy with their families.

Next up and last is my daughter's current favorite read. A Penguin Story by Antoinette Portis. True to his style this is a book that stretches the imagination in simple yet profound ways. Edna the penguin lives in a world that is white, black and blue. She just knows there has to be something more and spends all of her time looking for it. One day she finds that something more and her world is not longer just white, black and blue. The story closes with Edna wondering just what else there could be. The illustrations are bold, clean, stylized and just a perfect match to the story.


  1. I wonder what it is about penguins that makes them so appealing! I remember going to the New England Aquarium in Boston and watching the penguins for hours! What cute artwork on these books!

  2. New GFC follower from the Frugal Friday blog hop. Love the design of your blog.


  3. This book looks so cute! I found you on the blog hop and now Im following you! Please check out my blog and follow me,
