My Own Worst Enemy by Janet Davis caught my attention because I'm sure like many of you I hear those discouraging voices in my head when I'm about to embark on a new direction, adventure, goal, job whatever it may be. This book offers many insights into this occurrence of self-doubt, lack of self-worth, self-sabotage or whatever it is that holds you back. But we were created for a purpose and to ‘shine’ as Davis puts it. We've been given talents and abilities to use and to succeed. Davis shares many examples from her life and those that she has met as well as Biblical looks at women in the Bible. Each chapter in fact has at least one real life experience to share, then moves into a Biblical example, and then summary. Some chapters share multiple examples from each. It was for these reasons that I begin to find this read somewhat formula drives, I knew the basic framework to expect. This book also became overwhelming at times especially when multiple examples were used to illustrate the same point. While there is a lot of great and useful insight to be found in this book it really could have benefited from better editing. I got the point of the chapter and then found myself not pulled back in to continue through more of the same. It was not a book I couldn't put down or wait to get back to but I did want to complete it because there were moments which I knew I was getting something for my efforts. If you do struggle with self-doubt it is probably worth the read, I just wish it would have been more concise in its presentation.
I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishing for the purpose of this review.